My latest songs, ballads und Lieder
with Thomas Güttinger guitar
recorded at
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Hold On To Your Soul Unbroken unplugged
Der Song beschreibt Augen voller Hoffnung und Freude, und Augen, die Traurigkeit und Leere ausstrahlen. Es gibt diese Augen auf der ganzen Welt.
Halte fest zu deiner Seele, wärme sie mit Liebe und sei gut zu dir selber. Deine Seele möchte dorthin, wo dein Herz ist.
zur Abwechslung mal Live Aufnahme im Studio
Was Isch Schlimmer Als Es Wort?
Was kann schlimmer sein als Worte? Die richtigen Worte finden oder im richtigen Moment lieber schweigen kann beides sehr schwierig sein. Aber zu viel schweigen, kann auch verletzend sein, wenn sich das Gegenüber nicht ernst genommen und unsichtbar fühlt. Ein aufmunterndes Lied mit Gitarrenbegleitung inspiriert von J. S. Bach.
My Last Bouquet a final farewell song
Lass uns singen, lass uns noch einmal singen und dir nahe sein. Wir denken an die Zeit zurück als wir jung waren – an die grossartige Zeit, wo wir uns stark fühlten. Wir denken auch an schwere Zeiten, wo wir ganz unten waren. Lass uns das Leben in wunderbaren Farben malen ohne Stirnrunzeln und einfach lächeln – den letzten Weg reise ich ohne Gepäck.
A Singer’s World
Der Song erzählt von wunderbaren Momenten, Emotionen und der Magie eines Konzertes.
Hüt Isch De Tag
Romantischer Mundartsong für alle Liebenden,
die sich entscheiden ihren Weg gemeinsam zu gehen.
Peace Comes Softly On Gentle Feet
«Frieden kommt sanft und mit leisen Schritten» so heisst der Refrain dieses Songs und gibt Hoffnung. –Aber vorher werden unbequeme Fragen gestellt an die Machthungrigen, Unberechenbaren und Kriegsführenden mit Gesichtern wie Wachs: Was wäre, wenn sie selber an vorderster Front und an eigenem Leib erleben müssten, was sie Männern, Frauen und Kindern mit ihren Befehlen antun?
ziit stoht still en illusion
eine kleine erzählung in schwyzerdeutsch
beim singen – schreiben – komponieren
kann’s schon mal passieren
dass die Zeit still steht
Hei, Chline Sunneschii
Ein kleines Schlaflied, nicht nur für Weihnachten
auf Schwizerdütsch mit Übersetzung ins Hochdeutsche
A little Lullaby in Swiss German
Dieser Song hat nur 100 Wörter.
Was würdest du tun, wenn du nur noch 100 Wörter übrig hättest, um etwas zu sagen? Würdest du sie wie ein Schatz hüten, singen, protestieren, über Träume sprechen? Vieles bliebe unausgesprochen.
(new recording with Thomas Güttinger)
A Place Where We Can Breathe
ist dort, wo man sich frei fühlt
und Raum zum Atmen hat.
Was wäre, wenn wir Dinge ungeschehen machen
oder ändern könnten?
Wäre alles anders, wäre unser Leben besser?
Ein beschwingter Song mit Augenzwinkern
Ein Blues – wenn die Liebe sich davon schleicht
Mein Schöner Sommer Geht Zu Ende
(Summertime Is Over / De Schöni Summer Isch Verbii)
also on Spotify
erstellt aus Anlass der 26. Weltklimakonferenz
der UNO «COP26»
vom 31. Okt. – 13. Nov. 2021 in Glasgow
und heute aktueller denn je
De Schöni Summer Isch Verbii
(Summertime Is Over) – also on Spotify
Pass auf, schau der Realität in die Augen,
überdenke dein Handeln
und sieh, was auf unserem Planeten passiert.
Release 2020 at
An Jeannot Steck und Jean-Pierre von Dach
ein grosses Danke
für die musikalische Unterstützung
CD Cover
Im Mai 2016
entstand meine erste EP mit sechs eigenen Songs
- Summertime Is Over 3:51
- When You Need A Song 4:10
- If You Only Had A 100 Words To Say 2:22
- Declaration Of Love 3:66
- The Washing Machine 3:14
- Hello My Friend 2.30
All songs written and composed by Heidy H King
- Vocal Heidy H King
- Steelstring, baritone & electric bass guitar Eddie Nünning, Recorded in May 2016 at Soundresort by Eddie Nünning,
- Designed by Monika Pushparatnam-König,
- Photography by
- Produced by Heidy H King,
Summertime Is Over
Original Version
When You Need A SONG
many situations can be made a little easier
with a song
Declaration of Love Meine Liebeserklärung
The Washing Machine
(with a glass of Champagne)
Hello My Friend about a happy reunion after years
My Lyrics
Hold On To Your Soul Unbroken
Lyrics & Music Heidy H King
1. Where has it gone, that sparkle in your eyes?
With all the dreams in the morning light
Your heart was full and your spirit was bright
Nothing could stop you; Life was just right.
Hold on to your soul, unbroken
Hold on and warm it with love
Hold on to your soul unbroken
Warm it with love, be kind to yourself
Your soul longs to be where your heart lies.
2. Something has changed, no sparkle in your eyes
Silence and sadness, you stare at the sky
It breaks my heart to see you like this
Please, let me hug you, tell me what it is.
3. Millions of faces, no sparkle in their eyes
Forgotten people still hope for a new life
Dreams and promises turn into dust and lies
Worn out, with sad eyes, they gaze at the sky.
Bridge: There’s no door to open, no window to close
There’s nothing to lean on, pure emptiness.
Was isch schlimmer als es Wort
Lyrics Heidy H King
Was isch schlimmer als es Wort
Was isch schlimmer als es Wort?
Was verletzt am End no meh?
Gseit isch gseit und tuet sehr weh.
Isch es schlimmer z’ignoriere
Ohni Wort, enand negiere
Das verletzt am End no meh
Unsichtbar sii tuet sehr weh.
Schöner isch’s, wenn Wort begleitet
und wenn d’Stilli Freud bereitet.
Wort chönd weh tue, und sind schnell gseit
Ohni dass mer viel überlait
du saisch sorry, s’isch nöd so gmeint
und es tuet dir mega leid.
S’isch nöd eifach, wänn d’Wort fehled
Dänn giit’s oft en Bach voll Träne
Ohni Wort wird’s oft still und einsam
Säg eifach, mir schaffeds gmeinsam.
ziit stoht still en illusion
Lyrics & Music Heidy H King
Als Chind do hani mängisch gmeint
D’Ziit isch s’Gliich wiä d’Ewigkeit
Ha gmeint, ich chönnt mit gschlossne Auge
Für es Wili d’Ziit ufhalte
Ziit stoht still – en Illusion
Doch wenn’s passiert, isch’s wundervoll
Dänn spöter hani müesse lerne
Ziit isch, wenn de Wecker lärmed
S’giit es Z’früeh, es giit es Z’spat
Doch Ziit ha, das isch Gägewart
Ziit stoht still – en Illusion
Doch wenn’s passiert, isch’s wundervoll
Mängisch wünscht ich s’wäri hüt no so
Nur d’Auge zue und d’Ziit bllibt stoh
So wiä dänn wo’n ich ha gmeint
D’Ziit isch s’Gliich wiä d’Ewigkeit
Ziit stoht still – en Illusion
Doch wenn’s passiert, isch’s wundervoll
En Träumer bin i immer gsii
Wahrschiinlich goht das niä verbii
Ziit stoht still – en Illusion
Doch wenn’s passiert, isch’s wundervoll
Hüt Isch De Tag
Lyrics/Music Heidy H King
Hüt isch de Tag, nur für eus gmacht
Du stohsch vor mir, ich stohne zu dir
Dis Strahle, dini Auge sie zeiged mir
Hüt isch de Tag nur für dich und mich
Weisch no, dä magischi Moment
Wiä n’en Ewigkeit
voll Liäbi und Verbundeheit
Mis Härz g’hört zu dir
S’isch eifach so passiert
Mir gönd jetzt Hand in Hand
Planed Zuekunft mitenand
Ich weiss es genau
Du, bisch Sehnsucht und min Traum
Will mit dir zäme sii
Mit andre Wort: Ich lièbe dich
Hey Little Miracle Christmas Lullaby
Lyrics & Music Heidy H King
Hey, Little Miracle,
Embraced and welcome here on earth
Light as a feather
your soul has come from the universe
Hey, Little Miracle
Hey, Little Miracle,
The very first time I saw your face
Light as a feather
you touched my heart with mystic grace
Hey, Little Miracle
Hey, Little Miracle,
Close your eyes and dream for a while
Light as a feather
Is there a paradise behind your sweet smile?
Hey, Little Miracle
Peace Comes Softly On Gentle Feet
Lyrics & Music Heidy H King
1. Tell me old man, it looks cold in your seat
You don’t even smell, when your soldiers bleed.
How does that feel when you command a fight
and good men, their children and women have died?
I’m not the only one who needs to know.
Do you lack self-esteem, to bully the poor?
2. Tell me old men, with faces like mummies,
streamlined and smoothed for lots of money.
I just want to know, when your skin was young
Did you get hugs from your dad and mum?
Did you miss kindness and loving words?
Like so many of us have you been hurt?
3. Hey shaggy beards, with anger in your eyes
Why do you punish your daughters and wives?
Want to prove you’re the boss?
You must feel weak, when women are strong.
You leave the streets of blood and defeat,
But women see more blood – than you’ll ever see.
Refrain: Please don’t get me wrong
So many people in this world.
Stand up for freedom, love and peace
But not for unpredictable leaders.
Because peace comes softly yeah
Peace comes softly
Peace comes softly on gentle feet
A Singer’s World
Lyrics/Music Heidy H King
When a song touches your heart
With deep emotions from the start
mmhhh… it’s magic
The moment when you close your eyes
And your soulmate sings the blues that night
mmhhh… that night.
1. Before the curtain falls
Enjoy the sound of warm applause
Stunning ovation for the soul
Finally, one more song
Remembered and loved
so much loved by the crowd
Great celebration, A Singer’s World.
When a song ….
2. The show is over now
An empty stage, all the lights fade out
Deep emotions will soon be gone
Cheering hearts remain
Highs of love broken hearts and pain
Great vibrations, A Singer’s World.
When a song touches your heart
With deep emotions from the start
Mmhhh …. it’s magic.
Lyrics & Music Heidy H King
1. If you only had a hundred words to say
Would you save them like a treasure?
And just speak with sense and pleasure
If you only had a hundred words to say
2. If I only had a hundred words to say
Should I sing a Song once more?
Or protest against (the) war
If I only had a hundred words to sing
3. If we only had a hundred words to say
Should we speak about our dreams?
Or just leave it as it seems
If we only had a hundred words to say
The main thing stays unspoken
no words left
A Life Of Colours
Lyrics/Music Heidy H King
May your life be full of colours
With a rainbow by your side
When the days are filled with sorrow
Recall the rainbow in your mind.
When you have dreams and goals
Life can be wonderful
Behind dark clouds and rain
The sun will shine again.
1. Your tears may never reach the one who treats you bad
But when you’re feeling sad, don’t hold them back
All your tears and sadness, will flow into the river
All your sorrows will reach the sea.
2. Your way might never lead to luxury and fame
But good things in life are free, you will see
Life is a miracle, dreams become visible
Don’t fear the sleepless nights, everything will be alright.
May your life be full of colours
With a rainbow by your side
When the days are filled with sorrow
Recall the rainbow in your mind.
When you have dreams and goals
Life can be wonderful
Behind dark clouds and rain
The sun will shine again.
A place Where We Can Breathe
Lyrics/Music Heidy H King
A Roof, a house, a shelter
Is the most precious thing we need
A roof, a house a shelter
A place where we can breathe
An empty house out in the field
Would still remember how it feels
Standing safe with wind and rain.
The roof was wide and well maintained
Now, window panes are broken
Birds and bats have taken over
A perfect place and entry is free.
The old door swings in time with the breeze.
There was a town with homes and schools
The market full of life at noon
With hustle and bustle in the big square
With music, the smell of good food in the air
Children laugh and play with joy
Running around, they don’t need a toy.
Now, it’s all gone, because the water came
Way too fast and way too strong.
They had no chance, there was no escape
Destruction everywhere and pain
People who survived need a brand-new start
Hope and a home, where good memories fill their heart.
Schluss: Houses to live, places to be, houses for music and history
Hei Chline Sunneschii
Lyrics/Music Heidy H King
1. Hei chline Sunneschii
So schön, bisch du jetzt ändli do
Liecht wiä n’es Federli
Isch dini Seel zu eus uf d’Erde cho
Hei chline Sunneschii
2. Hei chline Sunneschii
Uf mim Arm, do han is s’erscht moll g’spürt
Liecht wiä n’es Federli
Häsch du ganz sanft mis Härz berührt
Hei chline Sunneschii
3. Hei chline Sunneschii
Mach d’Äugli zue und träum no echli
Liecht wiä n’es Federli
Im Paradies, schlof guet liebs Ängeli
Hei chline Sunneschii
De Schöni Summer Isch Verbii
Lyrics & Musik Heidy H King
1 En neue Tag ganz früeh am Morge
De frischi Tau liit überall
Bi jedem Huuch en chüele Schleier
Bis zum erschte Sunnestrahl.
2 Wenn de Herbschtwind stürmt und bloosed
G’hörsch es Rusche hoch im Baum
In allne Farbe falled d’Blätter
Zum letschte Tanz im Strassestaub
De schöni Summer isch verbii
Doch ich gspüüre d’Wärmi no
Würdisch du no länger bliibe
Bis zum erschte Sunnestrahl
De schöni Summer isch verbii
Und ich dänke drüber na
Würdisch du no länger bliibe
Bis de Früehlig neu erwacht
3 Wenn’s am Abig schneller dunkled
Graui Wulche ziehnd verbii
De Räge schlaat im Takt as Fenschter
Denk ich aa dich und d’Summerziit
Declaration of love
Lyrics/Music Heidy H King
Here I am, to say how I feel
With my own words, I try to reveal
But your eyes, your smile, they are telling me
How strong the power of love can be?
As words don’t make the grade
And magic moments are not to be explained
1 Now, you are the one, I missed in my life
One look into your eyes, it feels like paradise
My heart missed the tenderness, till I found you
So, please take my hand, and I will follow you
2 No promises, no heaven, we’ll find for all times
Whatever may come, we’ll cope it with a smile
Now, we write a new book, time and time again
Someday we’ll take a walk, down memory lane
Euse Planet hätt Fièber
Text/Musik Heidy H King
Euse Planet hätt Fièber
S’isch heiss und d’Ärde brännt
De Ozean stiigt wiiter
Mit Salz wird s’Land durchtränkt.
Euse Planet hätt Fièber
Gsehsch, wiä’s um ihn stoht?
D’Laag würd immer schlimmer
Säg, wiä söll‘s wiitergoh?
Euse Planet hätt Fièber
De Virus, das sind mir
Mir büütet uus, gedankelos
Dä Virus, das isch d’Gier.
Euse Planet hätt Fièber
Es goht eus alli a
Au sie, wo s’Läbe no vor sich händ
Wänd e Zuekunft haa.
Euse Planet hätt Fièber
S’isch jetzt höchschti Ziit
Mir müend handle, chönd nöd warte
Kein Wäg führt draa verbii
Kein Wäg führt draa verbii
Kein Wäg führt draa verbii.
Hello my Friend
Lyrics & Music: Heidy H King
Hello my friend
It’s quite a while since we met the last time
What a surprise, I’m searching for words
How wonderful to see you again?
It’s good to see you again
1 Your eyes still bright, your face so familiar
The years have been given you
Just a few wrinkles, but most of all
Your charming smile, it’s still there
It’s still there
2 I hear your voice, this familiar sound
After all these years
Remember the time, when we laughed and cried
Long time ago, long time ago, long time ago
If You Only Had A 100 Words To Say
Lyrics/Music: Heidy H King
1 If you only had a hundred words to say
Would you save them like a treasure?
And just speak with sense and pleasure
If you only had a hundred words to say.
2 If I only had a hundred words to say.
Should I sing a Song once more?
Or protest against (the) war
If I only had a hundred words to sing.
3 If we only had a hundred words to say
Should we speak about our dreams?
Or just leave it as it seems
If we only had a hundred words to say.
The main thing stays unspoken, no words – left
Mein Schöner Sommer Geht zu Ende
Lyrics/Music Heidy H King
1 Ein neuer Tag noch früh am Morgen,
Der frische Tau liegt überall.
Von jedem Hauch gibt’s Nebelschleier
Bis zum ersten Sonnenstrahl.
2 Wenn der Herbstwind stürmt und loszieht,
Hörst du‘s rauschen hoch im Baum?
In allen Farben fallen die Blätter
Zum letzten Tanz im Strassenstaub
Mein schöner Sommer geht zu Ende
Die Wärme spür ich immer noch
Würdest du noch länger bleiben
Bis zum ersten Sonnenstrahl?
Ein schöner Sommer geht zu Ende
Und ich denke leise nach
Würdest du noch länger bleiben
Bis der Frühling neu erwacht.
3 Wenn der Abend lang und still wird
Graue Wolken ziehn vorbei
Der Regen schlägt im Takt ans Fenster
Denk ich an dich und die Sommerzeit.
Es war ein Sommer voller Liebe
Und ich denke leise nach.
Würdest du noch länger bleiben?
Würdest du noch länger bleiben?
Bis der Frühling neu erwacht.
My Last Bouquet
Lyrics/Music Heidy H King
The mystery of our soul
Is a never-ending flow
Like the tide that comes and goes
The soul longs for a greater goal
And when we go that final path
The first time will be the last.
Let us sing, let’s sing once more a song
Let us sing, let us sing once more
Let us sing, let’s sing to remember you
Let’s sing, to be close to you.
Think of times when we were young
The great times and we felt strong
There were hard times and we felt down
All those sad times
When things went wrong.
Paint in colours, beautiful colours
Paint your whole life the ups and downs
Paint in colours, wonderful colours
Paint your whole life without a frown.
Let us sing, let’s sing once more this song
Let us sing, to be close to you.
Give a smile, just a smile, a laugh’s alright
On my last way, I travel light
I travel light.
Summertime Is Over
Lyrics/Music Heidy H King
1 When the dawn is breaking softly
The sky is blue and clear
Every breath a fresh embracing
Time for goodbye is almost here.
2 Autumn winds are blowing stronger
Can you hear the melody?
Falling leaves dancing all over
In a circle on the street.
It tells me summertime is over
But I still can feel the warmth
Would you stay a little longer?
Till the sun breaks through the dawn
‘Cause summertime is over
And I still can feel the warmth
Would you stay a little longer?
Till the sun breaks through the dawn.
3 When the Nights are getting longer
Dark clouds cover the sky
Rain beats on my window
Memories stay on my mind.
Lyrics /Music Heidy H King
For centuries, decades and years day by day
The tree grows slowly, constantly
Towards the open sky
When a seed falls to the ground
And finds its destination
One in a million makes the grad
For the next generation.
I bow to you, wonderful tree
With furrowed bark and dignity
The trunk of the tree from below to the crown
Deeply embedded by strong roots under the ground
Your mystery lies in your calmness and peace
Your goal to survive keeps my memories a live.
Strong winds couldn’t break your branches and twigs
The carving of a heart in the old bark still exists
La, la, lalala ……….. in the old bark still exist
You let me breathe, you are freedom and relief
There is nothing like lying in the shade of a tree.
I bow to you, wonderful tree,
With furrowed bark and dignity.
Strong winds couldn’t break your branches and twigs
The carving of a heart in the old bark still exists.
You let me breathe you are freedom and relief
There is nothing like lying in the shade of a tree.
Why Can’t We Live with Paradise?
Lyrics/Music Heidy H King
1 Simply a song all about my fears
Imagine we have no choice
What are we living for?
Once we destroyed it all, tell me
Why, do we always have to fight?
It seems that we can’t live
It seems that we can’t live with paradise
Always craving for more and more
Behavin’ like the rulers on earth
With arms and madness, we cause fright and fear
It seems, we cannot live in peace
Tell me why, tell me why
Can’t we live with paradise?
2 Simply a song all about my fears
Cause we have no time to lose
Are we heading for the rocks?
How could we change that plot?
How long can we deny?
It seems that we can’t live
It seems that we can’t live with paradise
When Love Steals Away
Lyrics & Music Heidy H King
1 When love, steals away
Mmmh, what to do?
What can I do with all the pain?
Crying out a million tears
It’s like dying day by day.
2 When love, makes you lonesome
Because your man
He loves to live in solitude
Even if it hurts to say
He won’t change his attitude.
3 When love dies unnoticed
Don’t take the blame
Nothing, no nothing would change
Forget ’n start a brand-new day
Time will heal all that pain.
When You Need A Song
Lyrics & Music Heidy H King
1 Sometimes it feels like a losing game
Good things disappear, life drifts away
Givin’ in, I put all the blame on me
A moment of despair – it feels like you remain
Cause the last train has just left for the day
2 Sometimes you weep, sometimes you shout
Emotions run high, there’s no way out
Givin’ in, I put all the blame on me
Worn out and distressed – it feels like you remain
Cause the last train has just left for the day
Then you need a song that helps to carry on
Through sadness and the dark
Through times of loneliness
Find a song, keep your head up and be strong
For your life becomes easier
With a melody that pleases you
Sing a song, close your eyes and carry on
And you will start again tomorrow
3 Sometimes love dies, you feel helpless and lost
Asking yourself, how you could change the plot
Givin’ in, I put all the blame on me
Deserted and alone – it feels like you remain
Cause the last train has just left for the day
Refrain: ……………
Sing that song, just sing a long
And you will start again – tomorrow
And you will smile again – tomorrow
A new day has begun – today
Lyrics Heidy H King/J. Sand
Music Heidy H King
1 If all the things I’ve tackled wrong
Could be changed or be undone.
Would I be glad, if a dream came true?
Would life be more beautiful?
2 If all the things you’ve tackled wrong
Could be changed or be undone,
Would you change your attitude?
Would life be more beautiful?
Open your eyes to small sensations,
Have an eye for little things.
Each sound tells a different story
Like a gentle breeze in spring.
3 If all the things we’ve tackled wrong
Could be changed or be undone.
Would we take the chance and live?
With more respect and mindfulness?
4 After all, who really knows?
Good and bad times come and go
Never be somebody’s fool.
Life becomes more beautiful.
Wake up and smell the coffee
Lyrics/Music Heidy H King
Wake up and smell the coffee – “Living in clover” – is over!
Wake up and smell the coffee – Living with less – is best
Wake up and smell the coffee – You, who live on “Easy Street”
Don’t support cruel exploitation
Think about what you really need
1 Millions of people in this world are scattered
Human dignity and lives are shattered
Mothers and babies in need die like flies
Behind high walls and out of sight
Behind high walls and out of sight.
2 Sentient beings caged billions of times
They suffer from cruelty while awaiting the knife
Oceans and trees die while vanities rise
Is that the price for our heedless life?
Is that the price for our heedless life?
Refrain mit Schluss:
Wake up and smell the coffee – “Living in clover” – it’s over!
Wake up and smell the coffee – Living with less – it’s best
Wake up and smell the coffee – “Less is More» – that’s our goal
Wake up and smell the coffee – You, who live on “Easy Street”
Don’t support cruel exploitation
Think about what you really need
Think about what we really need
Please, think about what you really need.
The Washing Machine
Lyrics & Music Heidy H King
1. Sitting in front of the washing machine
Watching entranced how the water floats in
Behind the pane a whirlpool of soap
Tossing and splashing, sloshing my clothes
Forward and backward, it moves constantly
Sounds like Poseidon with his trident hits the pane frequently
It’s only distraction, when feelings run high
And I follow the progress with a glass of champagne
2 . What a cliff-hanger, roaring flood fast and clean
All sweat and tears nasty smells disappear
Swinging and rinsing, the spin cycle leads
With trembling and dizzying to a high breakneck speed
3. Then it starts drumming, with a high speeding sound
Fourteen thousand rpm manage to drown (the)
Next door neighbours non-ending strife
It beats all the street noise, and I start to unwind
Forward and backward, it moves constantly
Sounds like Poseidon with his trident hits the pane frequently
It’s only distraction, when feelings run high
And I follow the progress
With another bottle of champagne.